Our wildflower garden

Our wildflower area in Forbury Gardens which was dedicated to our foster carers in the spring has come alive! The garden is now full of colour and buzzing with bees, butterflies and other insects. The wildflower seeds were planted at a special event held in Foster Care Fortnight in May to recognise the amazing work of our foster carers. It’s well worth a visit to the gardens on a sunny lunchtime.

Please help us spread the word about the need for more local foster carers with your friends and family and let’s keep Reading’s children in care local.

With continued thanks and appreciation to Forbury Gardens Head Gardner, Roland Staines, for maintaining our area and helping it thrive. Exactly like our foster carers do for the children and young people they care for.

You can read more about the dedication event here.

If you’d like to learn more about fostering in Reading with us, click here.